Light control
From OneM2M
The described use case enables the remote control of lights via a smartphone which embeds an application that gains access to a oneM2M service platform. The main components are introduced as follows:
- Light lamps shown in the current use case are deployed at a house and attached to a home gateway. The light lamps are able to interact with a oneM2M platform through a wireless access interface.
- The home gateway is configured to be able to search and connect light lamps into itself and to communicate with a oneM2M service platform in terms of exchanging and storing light lamps states between the light lamps and the oneM2M service platform.
- oneM2M service platform provides vertical application services targeted at different field domains, for instance, home, vehicle, and industry. The oneM2M service platform supports a group of common service functionalities such as registration, discovery, data management, group management, subscription/notification etc.
- The smartphone application is embedded into a smartphone and acts as a remote light controller with capabilities as the follows:
- Discovery of light lamps deployed into the home gateway.
- Sending commands to change light states i.e. ON and OFF.
- Retrieval of light states.
oneM2M sample use cases