Semantic tutorials
Addressing all those interested in semantics interoperability applied to IoT, this tutorial provides an overview of semantics, applied to IoT and how using ontology can considerably enrich IoT applications and use cases.
This tutorial has been split in sequences starting with an overview of the ontology engineering and the main concepts and languages used in the semantics domain.
Semantic Tutorial Part 1
This tutorial was developed by ETSI / oneM2M in the context of the InDiCo project and delivered for the first time on April 26, 2021 as pre-event to the ETSI IoT Week 2021.
1- Ontology Foundations
This first IoT Semantics tutorial video provides an overview of the ontology engineering and main concepts used in the semantics domain.
2 - Ontology Languages
This second IoT Semantics tutorial video provides an overview of the ontology languages used in the semantics domain.
3 - Methodologies and Tools
This third IoT Semantics tutorial video provides an further methodologies and tools used in the semantics domain.
4 - SAREF Overview
This fourth IoT Semantics tutorial video presents the SAREF ontology family standardized by ETSI.
5 - Semantics in oneM2M
This fifth IoT Semantics tutorial addresses how semantics in oneM2M standardized solution can bring added value to IoT deployments.
6 - Demonstration
This sixth IoT Semantics tutorial video presents a simple use case demonstration of semantics in a oneM2M standardized solution.